How do I place an order?

STEP 1 - Search for an article:

You can choose from more than 1500 items listed in the 9 sections of the site: Cut, Cutting, Kitchen Battery, Kitchen Utensils, Pastry Equipment, Appliances, Kitchen Accessories, Grocery or Books.

You also search directly for an article using the search engine or view only products from a specific brand with the MARQUES menu.

Browse the menus as you wish. Once you like an article, you can find it in its listing: its full description, several photos, notes and reviews of people who have bought the item before.

Just click "Add to the Basket" to add the item to my cart.

You can continue shopping, add other items, or access your final shopping cart to validate it with a simple click "Finish my order."

STEP 2 - Sign up, create an account:

If this is your first visit, it's time to create your account with just a few clicks. Include your full contact information and check your email address.

It is at this address that all the information about your order will be sent. Don't forget to give your phone number. For business customers, enter the name of the company and your VAT number (only indicate the numbers of your VAT number preceded by the letters FR, BE, without spaces, without points, without dashes. Example: FR012345678).

STEP 3 - Check your order:

You can add or delete an article at any time. If you get a coupon, add it.

STEP 4 - Choose the delivery method:

Select your delivery method. Either in UPS relay point, in So Colissimo or at home according to your choice. Free shipping starting at $85.

Once you have chosen your delivery method, make sure your delivery address is correct.

STEP 5 - Choose the payment method:

The easiest and quickest way is to pay by credit card or Paypal. To ensure payment security, you are automatically redirected to the secure payment provider's page (Ogone or Bluepaid).

(To make sure you're in secure mode when making your payment online, check that the address is in https:// or that a closed padlock has appeared on your browsing window).)

Would you rather pay by wire transfer? In this case, your order will not be validated until you receive your payment. In any case, items will be booked for 15 days.

Don't forget to read and check the Terms of Sale.

After encoding your banking data correctly, you receive your order confirmation and email details.

Your order is finished and validated!

You can return to your account at any time to see the status of your order and see where your package is located.